Teen Dating Violence Month

Here is a story about Teen Dating Violence. It affects one in five high school girls who have reported being abused by a boyfriend. February has been designated as teen dating violence month. How big of a problem is it? Young women between the ages of 16 to 24 experience the highest rates of relationship violence with physical aggression occurring in one in three teen dating relationships.

“Physical abuse is one facet of this. So is emotional abuse, which often stems from an overly controlling partner who may monitor cell phone messages, keep constant tabs on their partner and attempt to control everything from extra-curricular activities to contacts with family and friends.”

Young women should carry a disguised pepper spray like this Lipstick Defensive Spray to defend themselves. It is a ½ oz canister that contains 20 half-second sprays with a range of 10 feet. It is available in Black, Pink, Blue, Red, and Silver.

http://www.selfdefenseproductsinc.com offers products such as stun guns, pepper sprays and personal alarms to improve your personal safety as well as products to help improve your home security such as fake security cameras and diversion safes to hide valuables.

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